Top 4 Factors When Considering Preschool Homeschooling

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My toddler likes to surprise me. One day she’s unable to sit still for two seconds and the next she’s pointing at every object she sees and tries to name it. Wait, what?

Okay, so she still can’t sit still most of the time, but I’ve quickly realized that at almost 2.5 years old, she’s ready for some more structured preschool activities. We’ve decided to jump into preschool homeschooling and these four factors helped me decide.

#1 – What Does My Child Need?

Early childhood has a few basic needs:

  • nourishment
  • love
  • guidance
  • life skills
  • exploration

My bachelor’s degree in Early Childhood Development and the years I spent in the childcare/preschool profession opened my eyes to the subtle cues little ones present when they are learning on a daily basis. 

But when it comes to my own child…sometimes it’s too easy to overlook those little milestones. In early childhood, the need to play and explore is paramount, so I always knew that was a priority for our family.

That being said, I really enjoy being creative and doing sensory, art and exploratory projects with her and watching her growing mind expand. Most preschools have a robust program for learning, but taking a child out of the home eliminates the ability to learn life skills in their most natural environment.

I love that preschool homeschooling offers flexibility and customization, even if it is a little more work for us as parents!

#2 – Nature vs. Classroom

The value of nature and outdoor exploration cannot be ignored! My daughter is absolutely enamored with the elements: water, dirt, sand, grass, sticks, rocks and leaves are by far some of her favorite toys.

While there are traditional preschool programs that do put an emphasis on learning in nature, they tend to be hard to find. In this regard, the freedom preschool homeschooling allows us with the great outdoors is huge.

#3 – The Ease of Homeschooling + Cost

Since I was homeschooled as a child, I am already comfortable and passionate with the concept. However, I’m not excited about the idea of searching out the individual curriculum and creating lesson plans.

In fact, I have a whole box of random preschool bits and pieces, but I don’t even like getting it out of the closet because it’s a mess!

Realizing that my daughter needs structure now kicked me into research mode and I searched for the easiest solution that would simplify my life and not make it harder. I was thrilled to find Timberdoodle and dove right into creating my custom preschool kit (more on that soon!).

Cost is also a consideration as traditional preschools often add up quickly in addition to the time commitment of drops off, pick up and possibly a commute. There’s a lot to look at when choosing a school to entrust your child’s education and care to!

I love that homeschooling can be a once a year expense, and I have complete control over the curriculum and environment.

#4 – Personality & Learning Style

Taking into account my daughter’s personality and learning style was paramount. Preschool offers amazing opportunities for socialization, and if you choose to do it at home, you are the one making extra effort to create play groups and social experiences.

Most kids adapt well to preschool, but some kids find it challenging. When I was teaching at a preschool center, I watched high energy, kinesthetic learners struggle with participating in group activities and getting the individual attention they needed to fully grasp learning concepts.

And guess what?

My daughter is most definitely high energy and a kinesthetic learner. While I want her to have a great social outlet, I also desire for her to have the best early learning experience possible, and right now, I feel that I am better equipped to give her a flexible, personalized experience.

Are you considering preschool homeschool or are you a homeschooling veteran? Let me know in the comments where you are in your journey! Let’s connect!