The Minimalist Game – Week Four

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Following through with the Minimalist Game Week Four means…

  • An impressive 406 (or more!) items are gone from the home
  • A bit of cash can be earned from selling things (I’ve sold three sets of things and earned $51 thus far)
  • Your spaces should feel more open and be easier to maintain

What a HUGE deal! Massive change has to start somewhere, and if that’s one, two, three and four items a day–that’s incredible! I am so thankful that I did this challenge, and was supported by amazing YouTube moms while I did it.

This month, February 2018, I am de-cluttering the amount of items for the date of the month (ex. 1 on Feb 1, 2 on Feb 2, etc.), meaning a total of 406 items will be gone from my house by the end of the month! 

What I Decluttered in Week Four:

  • Day 22 – outgrown toddler clothes, flashcards, candle, CD, hairbrush (22)
  • Day 23 – hair ties, exercise DVDs, book, old phone, play kitchen pans, art letters (23)
  • Day 24 – picture frame, glass jars, clips, hair ties, epsom salts, laundry packet, measuring cup, jewelry charm, childhood sewing project (24)
  • Day 25 – clothes, book, stuffed animal, unused push lights, cosmetic brushes, empty oil bottle, di-cuts, jewelry, card, box, wet bag, crinkle wrap (25)
  • Day 26 – scrapbooking stickers and accessories, cross stitch project, buttons, bows, sand bottles, craft/water bottles (26)
  • Day 27 – office chair, fabric squares, scrapbook paper squares, books, old stuffed animal, stickers, hair clips, praise dance outfit, button, beanie baby tag, pin, cracked bottle (27)
  • Day 28 –  bookshelf, picture frame, glass jars, hair clips, magna doodle, water bottle top, empty oil bottle, basket, pins, freezer ice bags (28)

Total Items Removed
• This Week: 175
• This Month: 406


The Final Stretch!

1. Challenge Yourself

By the fourth week, you’ve probably already gotten rid of most of the obvious and easy clutter, but that doesn’t mean you can’t complete this challenge! It gets hard–it truly does, to find over 20 items a day to part with. But you can absolutely do this!

This is the true challenge. You have to pull out your determination and open each and every drawer, cabinet, closet, box and bin. Start surface and dig deeper until you find those items!

2. Question Yourself

I come from a family of keepers. And while there isn’t anything wrong with keeping things to be used later–that can actually be a very thrifty and money-saving way to live–it can get out of hand fast.

If you keep every item you accumulate from childhood to adulthood, you are going to have WAY too much stuff. You cannot physically or mentally keep all that stuff in your house.

Stuff causes stress, and stress causes a host of other problems, so please, ask yourself over and over. Do I need this? Do I use this? Do I love this? Do I absolutely 100% NEED this item? If you get rid of something and can’t even remember what it was, chances are, you never needed that item in the first place.

3. Fuel Your Why

Finally, why are you doing this challenge? To get rid of clutter and stress? So you can have less to clean? To ease up more time and space in your day? Think about those reasons when you evaluate your stuff.

Is keeping your stuff worth sacrificing your sanity and your time? How much time do you truly waste just looking for stuff that’s gone missing? (The answer for me is embarrassing, and that’s a big part of my why).


The final week is hard, and I’ll admit I wanted to give up at times. But what I’ve gained is a feeling of being lighter–our living spaces are a little clearer, my cabinets less crammed and even some sentimental items have moved on. There is no price value that can be given to these kinds of feelings!

We did it! The Challenge is Complete!

Read More in the Minimalist Game Series:
Week One 
Week Two 
Week Three

Did you complete the Minimalist Challenge? Let me know in the comments below how you feel now that it’s over!