How to Build a Toddler Capsule Wardrobe
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How to Build a Toddler Capsule Wardrobe

Overwhelmed with kids’ laundry piles and ready to downsize to a more manageable wardrobe? Keep reading–this may change your life! Trading Laundry Mountain for a Curated Closet Most families today are swimming in piles of clothing. Kids are gifted clothing from relatives, hand-me-downs from well-meaning family and friends, bags given away on local freesale or…

Motivation and Change: the missing piece in your decluttering journey

Motivation and Change: the missing piece in your decluttering journey

Why decluttering is so hard and how to kickstart a mental shift. As a professional organizer, I’m often asked why decluttering is so difficult. There are certainly many reasons that come into play, but many underlying challenges arise because of one thing. Lack of motivation. It’s utterly simple, and yet so complex. Change only happens…


5 Ways to Rock Summertime Decluttering

It’s finally summer — the kids are out of school and you are free to finally dig in and declutter the house! Here are 5 ways to make the most of your efforts. Summertime typically creates a great time for families to declutter. Kids are either busy playing, exploring, or maybe even away at camp…

heart centered decluttering

Heart-Centered Decluttering || Why It Makes or Breaks the Process

Starting the decluttering process can be emotional. So what do you do when the emotions get to be too much? When I started the decluttering process, I was a new mom surrounded by piles and piles of stuff. I didn’t know where to start, and I certainly didn’t have a clue about how to listen…

declutter your home with heart challenge

30 Day Decluttering Challenge || Project Simplicity

Have you hit a decluttering wall and just don’t know how to get your momentum back? Or maybe you haven’t even started the work yet, but know you need to tackle the mess. Take heart, because I’ve got a special challenge just for you! Project Simplicity is a one-of-a-kind decluttering challenge, made with busy moms…

life giving freedom in minimalism

The Life-Giving Lightness of Minimalism || Finding Freedom in Letting Go

If you’ve ever struggled to let go of an item, you’re not alone! Here’s how I found freedom from the clutches of clutter, and you can too. By the time my daughter was born four years ago, I began to feel like I was drowning in endless piles of stuff. Well-meaning friends handed over bag…