The Minimalist Game – Week One

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Let’s play a game, shall we?

I’ve seen posts about The Minimalist Game for a few years, but I always resisted. (Can we say, scared of failure?!)

When I heard a collaboration of YouTube moms were jumping in this month, I knew it was meant to be.

In February 2018, I am decluttering the number of items for the date of the month (ex. 1 on Feb 1, 2 on Feb 2, etc.), meaning a total of 406 items will be gone from my house by the end of the month! 

If you choose to do the game in a month with 30 or 31 days, you could have nearly 500 items gone!


What I Decluttered in Week One:

  • Day 1 – outgrown toddler sneakers (1)
  • Day 2 – empty essential oil bottles (2)
  • Day 3 – broken space heater, coffee mug and headphones (3)
  • Day 4 – sample packets of cloth diaper detergent, shape sorter (4)
  • Day 5 – old DVDs, CD and tapes (5)
  • Day 6 – broken basket, bath spout cover, empty baby food jars, stuffed animal (6)
  • Day 7 – old and outgrown board books (7)

Total Items Removed: 28

Tips for Getting Started!

1. Don’t Think About The Whole Picture

It’s easy to grab one item on the 1st, two on the 2nd and three on the 3rd. But by the end of the first week, you might start to feel a little panic. Can I really do this??

Thinking ahead to those big days, or even focusing on the total of 400-500 items is completely overwhelming and will cause you to give up before you even try! Don’t do that!

Instead, stay focused on the day you are on, and if you happen to gather more items than are called for, just dump them in a box for a future day. This is NOT about perfection, it’s simplifying not stressing!

 2. Remember Your Why

Why do a decluttering challenge? Everyone will have a slightly different reason, but for most of us, it has to do with the fact that excess stuff stresses us out. Stress causes a lot of dis-ease for the whole family, and simplifying your stuff can make your life quieter, less frustrating and just a whole lot more peaceful.

More time, less stress, more room in your wallet… All that sounds great to me!

My personal motivation this month is collecting items for a spring garage sale and lightening my cleaning. The less stuff you have lying around–the less you need to clean!

3. Start With the Obvious

In your first week, set yourself up for success by focusing on the easy items. Broken, unused or unwanted items fill our bathrooms and kitchens. Start there! The deeper you dig, the harder decisions get, so pick obviously unused items at first and you’ll start feeling the relief of getting rid of stuff without the stress.


In Week Two we’ll dig deeper and keep that momentum going!

Read More in the Minimalist Game Series:
Week Two 
Week Three
Week Four 

I’m so glad I decided to do this challenge and I can’t wait to see what week two brings! Let me know in the comments if you’re up for a minimalism challenge!