Motor Skills for Infants || Timberdoodle Tiny Tots Kit Review

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The first year of a baby’s life is full of physical milestones. Helping your little one work on fine and gross motor skills is key!

As babies grow, their muscle control and tone build, and it’s time to really engage those gross and fine motor abilities.

A special thanks to Timberdoodle Company for sponsoring this homeschool series of posts by graciously sending us this complimentary curriculum kit to see what we think. All opinions are our own!

The Birth to 2 Tiny Tots Kit features 4 amazing tools for infant motor development, as well as a guidebook that takes you from birth to 5 years old.

Active Baby, Healthy Brain

I’ve never read a book quite like Active Baby, Healthy Brain. A packed book full of exercises and tips for birth to 5, every stage is addressed with easy things parents can do to help their child move toward optimal brain development.

Dimpl Stack

Dimpl stack offers many creative motor skills opportunities to infants. Young babies will grasp and chew the little cups, whole older babies can begin to stack them and “pop” the silicone bubble button on each one. They stack into a tower shape, and also nest inside each other like cups from largest to smallest.

As my baby holds them, I talk to him about colors and shapes, and demonstrate the popping action. It won’t be long before he can do it himself!

I really like the high quality feel of these cups versus the cheap plastic stacking cups typically marketed. The shapes and colors are visually appealing. Each silicone bubble also features a different textured pattern on the top for extra sensory and fine motor stimulation.

Gymnic Physio Roll Ball

The versatile peanut ball will amaze you. Truly, when I got our ball five years ago, I couldn’t have imagined that it would last through toddlerhood, preschool, and elementary ages, in addition to helping me through pregnancy and labor! With a weight limit of 270 pounds, they are made to last. And now we are back full circle with infancy.

The blue ball I have is several years old, and the kit now comes with a snazzy red Gymnic Physio Roll ball, but the use of the ball remains the same.

The magic of the peanut ball is vestibular stimulation, which helps hand-eye coordination, brain development, muscle/body awareness. Sometimes I sit on the ball with baby in my lap or leaning against me, and sometimes I hold him directly on the ball in different positions. Rolling and rocking gently on tummy, back, and sitting up with support are all in rotation!

For the most part, he is amazed and entertained by the different movements, and I know they are benefiting his brain so much!

Lil Dimpl

Lil Dimpl is our best friend right now. When baby starts teething between 3-9 months, they constantly crave something to chew. Lil Dimpl is pliable non-toxic silicone, with a great ribbed texture to soothe itchy and painful gums. Easy to grab, hold, squish, and gnaw on, this teether goes everywhere with us! It’s been especially handy for car rides when my son is typically very crabby.

The head of Lil Dimpl is a fun “pop” button for baby’s to learn cause and effect with. At 4 months my son hasn’t discovered this added feature yet, but I look forward to when he does!

Baby Gym Books Set

As a mom of an infant, some days you’re just too tired to think, much less be creative and remember all the nursery rhymes and fingerplays of childhood. On the blurry days of motherhood, Baby Gym books are an extra special blessing.

Touch & Tickle, and Bounce & Jiggle have fun rhymes and songs that engage baby’s brain with early language skills.

First, they offer your daily reading material, second, they work on baby’s motor skills, but third (best of all), they tell you exactly what to do. No brainwork required!

Final Thoughts on Motor Skills for Infants

We all know that baby’s motor skills are important, but sometimes it’s hard to know what to do to best support that development. This is the great value of curriculum kits like Timberdoodle’s Tiny Tots. With all the tools in your hands, daily input has never been easier!

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