How to Purge Your Stuff Ruthlessly & Declutter Guilt-Free
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How to Purge Your Stuff Ruthlessly & Declutter Guilt-Free

Our homes are filled with clutter, accumulated over time because we think it serves us in some way. The reality, however, is that most of our stuff doesn’t serve a purpose, or even get used at all. Gathering up all the things you don’t like or want is the surface level start to decluttering. After…

Quick Start Guide to Decluttering || 5 Areas in Your Home to Conquer Today in 10 Minutes or Less

Quick Start Guide to Decluttering || 5 Areas in Your Home to Conquer Today in 10 Minutes or Less

Ready to start decluttering your house but not sure where to start? You’re in the right place–you want to start simple! Here’s your quick start guide to decluttering: 5 areas in your home to conquer today in 10 minutes or less. The key to doing each of these decluttering tasks in 10 minutes or less…

3 Keys to Choosing a Word of the Year that Changes Everything

3 Keys to Choosing a Word of the Year that Changes Everything

Imagine if you could approach an entire year with laser focus on one concept. If every decision and commitment was run through that concept before you put it on your calendar. How would life be different this year if you chose just one thing to focus on? Here’s 3 Keys to Choosing a Word of the…

Why You Should Stop Using Your Favorite Essential Oil

Why You Should Stop Using Your Favorite Essential Oil

So you’re loving your essential oils, and there is one that you absolutely adore. Maybe it’s lavender, or peppermint, or frankincense (be still my heart). But regardless, it’s your favorite essential oil and you use it daily! While regular use can have fantastic benefits, it can also have a major consequence. Here’s why you should…

My Minimalism Journey || What Our Home Actually Looks Like (Before & After)

My Minimalism Journey || What Our Home Actually Looks Like (Before & After)

The #1 question minimalists are asked is “what does your house look like now?”. Followed quickly by “what did your house look like before?”. Every minimalism journey is unique, so it’s easy to find lots of written words about minimizing and decluttering your home, but harder to find pictures, especially of family homes. What does…

5 Simple Ways to Minimize Your Kitchen Today
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5 Simple Ways to Minimize Your Kitchen Today

Your kitchen is the heart of your home, where family and friends are nourished holistically–body, mind and soul! But if the kitchen is cluttered, unorganized and chaotic it ends up being inefficient and stressful to you, your family and guests. If you’re overwhelmed with the thought of decluttering your kitchen, here are 5 simple ways…