zoo picture puzzle book

Zoo Picture Puzzle Book Review || Visual Learning with Search & Find

Children learn with their senses, and visual perception is a skill to be developed. Here’s what we thought of the Usborne Zoo Picture Puzzle Book. Our family adores Usborne books for unique, fun, and educational literature. We purchased the original Picture Puzzle Book in the Timberdoodle 2017 Preschool Kit, and were delighted to receive the…

how to pack a lunch box sq

How to Pack a Homeschool Co-Op Lunch Box for Picky Eaters

Packing a lunchbox for Homeschool Co-Op day is a challenge in itself, but add in a picky eater and it’s just frustrating! Here’s how I streamlined our system for simple school day lunches. Our family joined a homeschool co-op last year when my daughter started preschool. I was so excited to be learning with other…

smart farmer game review sparking logic

Smart Farmer Game Review || Sparking Problem Solving & Thinking Skills

Encouraging problem-solving and critical thinking in young children in the form of games makes learning fun and challenging at the same time. Here’s what our family thinks about the Smart Farmer thinking skills game. We’re big fans of the SmartGames line. With hands-on challenges ranging from easy to difficult, and bridging various age and skill…

planning the homeschool year when your child doesn't fit the mold

Planning Your Homeschool Year When Your Child Doesn’t Fit the Academic Mold

Back to school when your child doesn’t fit just one level of learning… Oh no, what do you do?! Here’s why you shouldn’t worry, what you can do to customize education, and how we plan for the future but homeschool today! When my daughter turned 2, I had grand ideas of how I was going…

simple summertime learning

Simple Summer Learning || Hands-On Experiences for Homegrown Preschoolers

For many, summer is when family life speeds up. We’ve chosen to do the opposite and slow down, but that doesn’t mean learning and fun stop! Here are some simple activities our family has enjoyed with our preschooler at home! Crafting a slow, simple summer starts with intentionality, but I think it’s well worth it…

minimalist homeschooling why we love timberdoodle

Why We Love Timberdoodle as a Minimalist Homeschooling Family

Minimalism in homeschooling is a hot topic. What’s considered “minimal” and what’s not? Here’s why our minimalist family loves the traditionally stuff-filled Timberdoodle curriculum kits! I’m a second-generation homeschooler. Which means that having been homeschooled all my life, I’m now integrating my own childhood experience with the new experience of homeschooling my young daughter. In…